Creating a life of purpose, passion, and possibilities starts by first exploring what makes us so unique.

What makes you, so wonderfully you!

Whether you’re seeking personal growth, career clarity, fulfilling relationships, enhanced team cohesion, or a deep sense of well-being, strength-based coaching might be a great place to start.

Well By Design offers one-on-one coaching sessions and group packages specifically designed to meet the needs of individuals, whānau, and teams within a home, community, workplace, or school setting.

If you would like to know more about coaching, book in for a free 15-minute introductory session, this gives us the opportunity to say hi, talk about what’s on your mind, and see if coaching is a good fit for you.

  • One-on-One Coaching

    One-on-one coaching sessions are tailored to suit you. Each session will be influenced by what’s important to you right now, the focus you have, your current context, and of course, your talents - the natural way you think, feel, and behave.

    Together we explore how you show up in different situations, consider what energises and drains you, and look at how you could intentionally grow and develop your talents into strengths in all areas of your life.

  • Whānau

    Whānau - where we find our roots and our wings! As parents/caregivers we do our best when we’re using our talents to live, love, and give. And interestingly enough, the same goes for our kids.

    Spending time learning about and appreciating your talents, and the talents of those you parent and care for, will provide opportunity to create an environment that nurtures your whānau in a way that will have a lasting and positive impact.

    Sessions are designed around what is right for you and your whānau.

  • Team

    Team sessions help individuals discover how their talents can contribute to the team, foster appreciation for the talents of others, and result in improved team dynamics and productivity.

    Each team will be unique, therefore the content and structure of the sessions will be co-designed, ensuring the needs of the team are met.

“You are the author of your own story. Discover who you are and write a beautiful chapter" - unknown

Why Coaching?

We are not always aware of our talents. Talents are so innate that we often think they’re not even talents! You might find that you’re fascinated by ideas and have lot’s of them, or that you’re great at turning thoughts into action, or you can quickly spot areas of consensus. These are talents, and they are unique to you.

Strengths-based coaching goes beyond just identifying your talents, it provides us with the opportunity to explore how your talents work together and influence:

  • your relationships

  • how you see and perceive the world

  • the way you naturally process information and learn

  • how you respond to challenges

  • potential blind spots

  • how you work toward achieving personal and professional intentions/goals

  • what others can count on you for

  • what you need to live your life well

We look at how, with enhanced awareness and intentionality, your talents can develop into strengths that are consistently good for you, and others.

Strengths-based coaching introduces a common language that can be used to help describe who you are, understand and appreciate who others are, and outline how you can ‘partner’ to succeed.

The time we have together will be shaped by you, it is my hope that what you choose to take from our sessions will help you create a life you’ll love to live.

CliftonStrengths - The Tool

On completion of the online assessment you’ll be sent a personalised report outlining your strengths profile BUT these results are only just the beginning, it’s the exploration and celebration of these that really uncovers the gold!

Well By Design uses CliftonStrengths to help identify your unique talents, your most natural ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. This tool was created by the Father of Strengths-based Psychology (APA 2003) Dr Don Clifton and the Gallup Organisation, and is based on over 50 years of development, research and testing.

When Gallup talk about unique talents, they really do mean unique! Research reveals the chance of two people having the same Top 5 themes of talent:

In any order = 1 in 278,256

In the same order = 1 in 33.3 million

To date, over 30 million people are using CliftonStrengths to help unlock their potential and thrive at work and elsewhere. People who have the opportunity to use their strengths are:

6 x as likely to be engaged in their job

3 x as likely to report having an excellent quality of life