
Individualization, Activator, Communication, Positivity, Includer

Elite Athlete (NZ Canoe Sprint) - Gizzy Girl - Life Enthusiast - Always Up For A Good Laugh!

Having a mum who authentically believes in a strengths-based approach to motherhood and life has been so awesome! It’s really helped me recognise what makes me, me. As I have grown into my career as an elite athlete, she has helped me see and experience the direct relationship between my strengths and my personal wellbeing, my athletic performance, and my contribution within our team environment.

Over the last few years, I have done a lot of work around naming and understanding my individual strengths, this has helped me to appreciate what I bring to the team, be more aware of the things that might trip me up, and how I can manage them. It’s so interesting talking about the blindspots we all have!

Being trained and guided by a coach who also believes in the power of a strengths approach has given me even more opportunity to see, hear, and understand who I am, but also who my teammates are, and what helps them to thrive. I’ve experienced firsthand the difference this makes, not only in performance, but in the appreciation we have for each other and the connection we share, on and off the water.  

This work is so transferrable to all parts of my life. It’s definitely worth exploring!

