
Learner, Positivity, Input, Achiever, Developer

Family First - Positive Realist - Grounded in Nature - Hopeful Dreamer

Talofa lava, malo e tau lava,

My name is Lilo Oka Sanerivi and I am a physiotherapy clinician, manager, emerging researcher, governor and leader. I came to learn of strengths-based leadership through working with Toni and now can only see and approach my important personal and professional relationships through this paradigm.

Strengths coaching has provided me with greater self-awareness of the innate strengths that I bring to situations and relationships, how these strengths add value to organisations, and the common shortfalls associated with these strengths. This awareness has given me insight into others’ strengths that when partnered with, could create a powerful and productive synergy. It has also provided an overall awareness and understanding that the personality traits that often raise tensions, are often simply different strengths in operation.

Strengths coaching with Toni has given language to concepts that make me feel fully alive, provided insights into operating authentically and sustainably from these innate strengths and reaffirmed the unique approaches that I bring to situations and organisations. This has undoubtedly shaped my personal and professional journey for the better. I highly recommend strengths coaching to anyone!



